Salt Lake Lawns Under Attack from Pythium Blight

The current high-humid overnight temperatures in the Salt Lake Valley provide perfect growing conditions for Pythium blight lawn disease. Pythium blight is a fungus that can kill lawns in a little as 24 hours. Identification Dead spots and white mold are indicators of the disease. If a homeowner suspects the lawn is infected, they should […]

Pest Control – Clover Mites & Carpet Beetles

While clover mites and carpet beetles are among the most commonly found pests their behaviors are often poorly understood by both homeowners and pest management companies.  Understanding these pest’s biology and behaviors is critical to effective management. Clover Mites Clover mites aren’t insects at all, they are more like ticks and spiders.  Clover mites have […]

Lawn Care – Mowing Best Practices

Benefits of Mowing There are several best practices you can observe when considering how to best mow your lawn.  Consistent mowing practices help keep grass blades at a desired and uniform height which makes for a pristine patch of land.  Infrequent mowing practices eventually lead to a lawn thinning, the appearance of brown spots, and […]

Necrotic Ring Spot – Lawn Care

What is a Necrotic Ring Spot? Necrotic Ring Spot is a fungus of turfgrasses.  During the winter, the fungus lies dormant in dead or decaying grass root tissue.  The fungus becomes active in the spring when lawns receive consistent water and temperatures fluctuate between 60°-75° F.  The fungus causes injury to grass by restricting the roots […]

Senske Snapshot – Seasonal Effect On Grass

Cool Season vs Warm Season Turfgrasses are categorized as warm season grasses or cool season grasses depending on their tolerance of heat and energy producing characteristics.  Cool season grasses thrive in cool and temperate climates (60 to 70 degrees) whereas warm season grasses flourish in temperatures between 76 and 95 degrees.  The most common warm […]

Urine Spots in the Lawn

Urine spots; we love our pets, but the urine spots they leave behind leave much to be adored. The main cause of these nasty, yellowish-brown spots is from the amount of nitrogen that is present in your dog’s urine. Although small amounts of nitrogen can be beneficial to your lawn, when the amounts supersede the norm problems will begin to […]

Bermuda Grass: The Aggressive Take-Over

Bermuda grass can be a popular lawn choice for some areas in the U.S. with a hotter climate because of it’s resiliency to environmental conditions. Bermuda grass thrives in the heat and is considered almost drought-tolerant. However, in areas where Bermuda grass is undesirable, it’s inhabitance can create a large challenge for homeowner’s to remove. This grass will […]

Common Lawn Weeds

Lawn weeds can cause a huge headache for lawn owners. Lawn weeds can seem to take over lawns out of no where and spread more quickly than they can be controlled. When dealing with lawn weeds control it’s important to remember that timing is everything. The sooner that lawn owners can take a proactive approach […]

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