Crane Fly Treatments

European Crane Fly The European crane fly, tipula paludosa, is a species not native to the United States. It is an introduced species that feeds on grass roots and can be a pest in turf. Other crane fly species are native to the U.S., and these insects are not considered threats to lawns. In fact, […]

Crane Fly Control

European Crane Fly The European crane fly, tipula paludosa, is a species not native to the United States. It is an introduced species that feeds on grass roots and can be a pest in turf. Other crane fly species are native to the U.S., and these insects are not considered threats to lawns. In fact, […]

Why Now – Understanding and Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Why Bed Bugs and Why Now? It is not entirely clear why the increased frequency of bed bugs has hit the United States recently.  There are several reasons why we are just now hearing more about bed bugs.  The reintroduction of bed bugs into our lives started about twenty years ago with more frequent reports of bed bugs in […]

The Real Story About Bed Bugs

The Real Story Behind Bed Bugs Were you paying attention in high school biology? Not to worry, we were and that is one of the reasons to engage a professional pest control company to take care of your home and protect your family from bothersome pests like bedbugs and spiders. Bed bugs are part of a group of blood […]

Bed Bug Life Cycle – Info About Bed Bugs from Senske Pest Control

The Life Style of the Bed Bug Bed bugs are oval shaped, about a quarter of an inch in length and about the same width.  They are very flat and can slide into very narrow cracks, seams and under bindings in bedding and furniture.  They grow from eggs that hatch in about seven days, through five development […]

Invasive Pest Alert – Houdini Fly in Washington

  The state of Washington is facing a serious risk from an invasive species known as the Houdini fly. Because it targets the critical mason bees, one of the area’s most important agricultural pollinators, its presence in the state is a danger. The Washington State Department of Agriculture has issued a report in regards to […]

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

What Are the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation? When you head to bed at the end of a long day, you expect to be able to sleep in comfort, but a bed bug infestation can leave you itchy and uncomfortable in the morning. Bed bug bites are not a serious health risk, but they […]

How to Prevent Bed Bugs at Home and During Travel

The United States is seeing an increase in bed bug infestations, and health professionals aren’t completely sure why. The increase may be due to an increase in travel, but what you need to know is the risk to your home. Bed bugs are hard to spot and reproduce prolifically, so all it takes is one […]

Bed Bug FAQ – Answers to Common Questions

Bed bugs are becoming an increasing concern for homeowners and travelers. The big question is…how do I protect myself, my family, and my home from these little bloodsucking pests?! Here are 5 bed bug facts that will leave you pest-free.   1.  Are bed bugs microscopic? Nope, nope, and nope. Adult bed bugs are oval-shaped, […]

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