Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs

In the fall when cooler temperatures hit the area, you may find yourself spending a little more time indoors. You are not the only one looking for a warm place to cozy up when cool weather hits. Many pests also want to overwinter inside your home. One of the most frustrating overwintering pests is the […]

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies and Phorid Flies

It’s this time of year, usually in late summer, that insect pests such as fruit flies and phorid flies come out in droves. Flies are annoying at best, carriers of disease at worst. It doesn’t matter how big or small the fly is, they are equally a nuisance, breeding at unimaginable rates. Here are some […]

What’s That Smell? Get Rid of Stink Bugs

Have you noticed peculiar shield-shaped bugs around your house recently? Have you caught whiffs of a pungent, coriander-like odor? You may be experiencing an infestation of stink bugs. As a homeowner, there are few things more frustrating than a pest invasion. Learn more about stink bugs and what to expect from these insects. What are […]

Summer House Fly Control

With summer around the corner, chances are you have already come face to face with the scourge of warm season activities, flies! Much like you, flies love the warm weather and come out in full force, depending on the weather, from early spring to early summer. Few other pests can ruin an otherwise pleasant backyard […]

Box Elder Bugs: Keep Them Away From Your Trees

 Box elder bugs are considered a nuisance pest because they do not bite nor do they damage your home or landscape. They also do not transmit any type of diseases, so they are not a health hazard in any way. Box elder bugs are merely just a pain to many homeowners because of their quick inhabitance […]

Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs while Traveling

 Until you’ve done a thorough inspection of the hotel, or place you are staying, make sure to head straight to the bathroom to store your luggage. Bed bugs generally do not venture into the bathroom because of the tiled floors and lack of hiding spots. You will want to make sure to check the bed first. You […]

Box Elder Bugs, the Nuisance Pest

Box Elder bugs are more of a nuisance pest than anything. They do not cause harm or present any type of health hazard by transmitting diseases. Box elder bugs will also never bite and for the most part, do not cause any damages to your home or plants. What box elder bugs will do is […]

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