Thatch – Too Much Is Definitely A Bad Thing

We’ve all heard the phrase “You can never have too much of a good thing”. Well when concerning thatch in your lawn this phrase couldn’t be more wrong. Although thatch can be beneficial to your lawn, helping to conserve moisture, too much thatch can have a detrimental effect instead. Thatch is the matted layer of […]

Top 10 Tips For A Green Looking Lawn In Spring

The sun is shining and Spring is right around the corner. Here is a few tips to make sure your lawn looks great for Spring.  1. Clean up dog left overs No one wants to dodge dog droppings while trying to do their yard work. Our first step is to get the yard clean of any […]

Crabgrass – Timing Is Everything

Poll a group of lawn owners about what their biggest enemy is and chances are a good number of them will reply with crabgrass.  This low growing, blue-greenish weed can take over a lawn in what seems like no time and completely ruin its appearance. There are lots of tips for getting rid of crabgrass […]

Top Tips For Loving Your Lawn In Preparation For Spring

Preparing your lawn for summer begins in the spring, often well before the weather becomes inviting.  If you want your yard to be looking the best this year, it helps to start early with a plan for how to get your yard ready for the summer months ahead. Fortunately, with the proper assistance, this can […]

Should You Blow Out Your Sprinklers?

As we enter into November the weather is continuing to get colder, and our attention starts to move off of our yard, and more onto the holidays. Before we fully switch our focus away from our lawns, however, there is one very important step that needs to be completed. As lawn owners we spend a […]

4 Tips for Getting Your Lawn Ready for Winter

4 Tips for Getting Your Lawn Ready for Winter As much as I have lobbied against it, and started multiple online petitions, it seems like winter is finally sneaking up on us. While the world around us starts to bundle up and coffee stands started selling pumpkin spiced lattes, we can’t forget about our lawns. […]

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