We’ve all heard the phrase “You can never have too much of a good thing”. Well when concerning thatch in your lawn this phrase couldn’t be more wrong. Although thatch can be beneficial to your lawn, helping to conserve moisture, too much thatch can have a detrimental effect instead.
Thatch is the matted layer of dead and living stems and roots that forms above soil. When the thatch layer reaches deeper than ½” deep it can become an ideal environment for lawn diseases and insects. A deep thatch layer will also cause grass seed to take root in the thatch rather than the soil, not allowing it to get a strong root system or to receive the nourishment it needs.
Home owners put a lot of work into their lawns. The last thing that we want to is have our lawn damaged because of a thatch build up. Two of the most popular treatments for lawn thatch are a yearly core aeration and, in more extreme cases, the use of a power rake. These options help to break up the thatch layer and let your lawn get the air and nourishment that it needs.
For information on thatch, and what Senske can do to help keep your lawns thatch level under control, contact us today and learn about our lawn dethatching service programs.