Urine spots; we love our pets, but the urine spots they leave behind leave much to be adored. The main cause of these nasty, yellowish-brown spots is from the amount of nitrogen that is present in your dog’s urine. Although small amounts of nitrogen can be beneficial to your lawn, when the amounts supersede the norm problems will begin to occur. The nitrogen in the dog’s lawn can cause damage by burning the blades, and with the amount of times a pet urinates a day, it doesn’t take long until the whole lawn becomes one fried mess. The best way to prevent the burning that is associated with urine spots is to reduce the amount of nitrogen that comes in contact with the lawn.
While it may be easy to place the blame on your dog, is important do your research to diagnose the problem correctly. The truth of the matter is, there are many types of lawn diseases that could be responsible for the spots in your lawn. Billbugs, in particular, like to feed on the roots of grass blades, resulting in dry patches of lawn that have the same resemblance as those that are caused from dog urine. The best way to diagnose the problem is by giving the affected area a quick tug and if large patches of the lawn come up when you do that, it is more than likely caused from insect damage. If the grass roots are still strongly attached, then the cause is from something else and very well could be from your pet.
The good news is that there are some simple ways that you can reduce the amount of burns that occur in the lawn. One easy way to do this is by diluting the areas that the pet has urinated on by running water on it. Another option is to change your dog’s habits; by encouraging your dog to drink more water or by changing their food diet to something that has less protein, you will reduce the amount of nitrogen that is passed along. Lastly, there are some over-the-counter products that may or not work, according to some testimonies from other homeowners like yourself. Please remember that the burns are caused from excess nitrogen, so if you regularly fertilize your lawn be cautious of the amount of fertilizer that you apply as that will coincide with the amount of nitrogen that your pet is leaving behind.
If you would like more information on treatment options for pet urine spots and lawn care services, please call 1-800-533-6330.