Common Types of Ants Found Around The Home

Below, we will take a look at some of the most common ants and their profiles to help you distinguish what type of ant pest you might be dealing with. ARGENTINE Color:  Dark to Light Brown Size: 2.2-2.8 mm Nest:  In moist soil, next to or under buildings or sidewalks.   FIRE ANTS Color: Reddish […]

How to Deal With Aphids Around The Home

 What are aphids? Sap-sucking insects Soft-bodied insects  Known as “plant lice” Pear-shaped insects Less than 1/8” in size Feed in large groups Light green in color, most commonly Reproduce quickly Have two short tubes that protrude for the hind ends of their body   What kind of damages do aphids cause? They will feed on […]

Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs while Traveling

 Until you’ve done a thorough inspection of the hotel, or place you are staying, make sure to head straight to the bathroom to store your luggage. Bed bugs generally do not venture into the bathroom because of the tiled floors and lack of hiding spots. You will want to make sure to check the bed first. You […]

National Pest Awareness Month

This April is Pest Awareness Month, and for those who are unaware, this tradition has been going strong for 30 years.  The purpose of Pest Awareness Month is to increase public awareness about the risks involved with household pests as well as to educate homeowner’s of the importance of being proactive to prevent pest infestations in and […]

Box Elder Bugs, the Nuisance Pest

Box Elder bugs are more of a nuisance pest than anything. They do not cause harm or present any type of health hazard by transmitting diseases. Box elder bugs will also never bite and for the most part, do not cause any damages to your home or plants. What box elder bugs will do is […]

Termites, the “Silent Destroyer”

 What do termites look like? Termites have 4 wings that are usually double the size of their body but if their wings have been shed then they will have stubs in place of them. They have six legs and their bodies are a dark brown or black in color, the wings are white. Termites also […]

Scale Insects

 What is scale? Scale is a type of insect pest that usually hides in evergreen or deciduous trees. They are mostly found on leaves, twigs, branches or trunks of trees. They are very small insects and are easy to go unnoticed. Their bodies have a shell-like feature. There are two main types of scale Softscale- […]

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