How to Get Rid of Crabgrass – Removal Tips

There are not many things that destroy the look and feel of a yard faster then an infiltration of crabgrass. This blue-green weed that grows low to the ground while spreading its long spindly leaves like crab legs, spreads quickly and can be very difficult to eliminate once established. As with most cases, the best way […]

Crabgrass Prevention Tips

Crabgrass, a low growing, blue-greenish lawn weed, can not only ruin the look of a well-maintained lawn but also weaken the soil below it. Crabgrass grows when the soil warms in the spring, when the soil temperature reaches between 55 and 60 degrees, and can spread quickly throughout the yard. Mature crabgrass plants can drop […]

Late Summer Lawn Care – Crabgrass Control & Spurge Control

Taking care of your lawn doesn’t just mean making sure that the right plants thrive. It’s also about getting rid of the wrong plants! If weeds take hold and spread throughout your yard, they’ll soak up all the moisture and nutrients, starving the plants that you’d rather see emerge. So weed control needs to be […]

Noxious Weed Control in Park City, Utah

It’s always important to watch out for weeds, but in Park City, Utah, it’s absolutely essential! The city government recently issued an official request for homeowners to eliminate noxious weeds on their property. Defined as invasive plants that cause extreme damage to local ecosystems and disrupt local agricultural production, noxious weeds have to be cleared […]

Bermuda Grass: The Aggressive Take-Over

Bermuda grass can be a popular lawn choice for some areas in the U.S. with a hotter climate because of it’s resiliency to environmental conditions. Bermuda grass thrives in the heat and is considered almost drought-tolerant. However, in areas where Bermuda grass is undesirable, it’s inhabitance can create a large challenge for homeowner’s to remove. This grass will […]

Common Lawn Weeds

Lawn weeds can cause a huge headache for lawn owners. Lawn weeds can seem to take over lawns out of no where and spread more quickly than they can be controlled. When dealing with lawn weeds control it’s important to remember that timing is everything. The sooner that lawn owners can take a proactive approach […]

Preventing Crab Grass in Your Lawn

Top tips for preventing crab grass in your lawn Apply pre-emergent herbicide before seeds have had to opportunity to sprout. The best time to do this is when the soil temperature is over 60 degrees. Watering your lawn deeply will prevent it from becoming infested with crab grass since crabgrass flourishes in the sunny, moist […]

Keeping your Flower Beds Clear of Weeds

Most homeowners take pride in a lush, weed-free lawn so it’s not surprise that these same folks take pride in keeping weeds out of their flower beds as well. Sometimes this can be a tricky task since weeds can establish themselves pretty easily considering there are many open areas of soil surrounding the flowers. These weeds can […]

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