Natural Weed Control

We all hate weeds in our lawns. At the same time there are concerns about using chemicals to treat weeds, especially if a family has small children or dogs. While chemicals used by trained lawn care professionals, such as those at Senske Services, are safe for your pets and family, natural weed control can also […]

Spring Weed Control Tips

Mow High – Mowing your lawn high will help to keep the soil shaded. Most lawn weeds need direct sunlight to grow. By keeping your lawn cut high you can keep weeds out of your lawn. Make Sure You Feed Your Lawn – The best protection against a weed invasion is a healthy and full […]

Clover: The Unlucky Lawn Weed

As kids we probably all spent time looking for a four leaf clover in our lawns. The source of a great game for kids can also be a source of great headaches for lawn owners. Clover is a low growing weed that spreads out over the lawn and can have stems that grow anywhere from […]

Crabgrass – Timing Is Everything

Poll a group of lawn owners about what their biggest enemy is and chances are a good number of them will reply with crabgrass.  This low growing, blue-greenish weed can take over a lawn in what seems like no time and completely ruin its appearance. There are lots of tips for getting rid of crabgrass […]

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