As kids we probably all spent time looking for a four leaf clover in our lawns. The source of a great game for kids can also be a source of great headaches for lawn owners. Clover is a low growing weed that spreads out over the lawn and can have stems that grow anywhere from 4 inches to 2 feet long. This perennial weed thrives in ground that is low in nutrients and where soil is compacted.
Although there are many different species of clover in the areas where Senske services we mostly deal with two types of clover: Black Medic Clover and White Dutch Clover. Both of these types of clover can be very difficult to control. While both species are clover, they can be told apart by the color of their flowers, with Black Medic having yellow flowers and White Dutch flowers being white.
Clover can be very hard to control because it competes well with grass for nutrients in the soil. Also clover does well in lawns that are under fertilized so they are able to survive while the grass around it suffers. Clover is also difficult because each plant can produce thousands of seeds that can stay dormant in the ground for long periods of time. Typically lawn owners will see an increase of clover during the summer months of June, July and August. Clover will normally appear first in compacted areas such as curbs and along sidewalks
The best control against clover is to keep your lawn as healthy as possible. Having a regular fertilizing program as well as keeping grass cut higher can help protect against clover invasions, because clover doesn’t do well in shaded areas. When clover has already taken over a lawn the best control is to contact a lawn care specialist such as those at Senske Services.
For more information on our weed control services please call 877-944-4007