What is the Difference Between Moles and Voles?

Although they may sound similar and cause similar damage to your property, moles and voles are actually quite different animals. While they are small, both voles and moles can cause extensive damage to your lawn and garden plants if left alone. Are you experiencing lawn damage caused by a mysterious pest? Your lawn could be […]

What to Do If You Have Mice in Your House

Cooler weather is just around the corner, and when the temperatures outside drop, many pests find themselves looking for a warm place to move in. Your home is quite inviting to mice and other rodents who cannot handle the cold outdoor temperatures. If you discover signs of mice or rats in your home, you need […]

Common Rodent Profiles

Here are some common rodents and their characteristics. These are the rodents that a homeowner will typically run into problems with: Mice: Invade homes seeking shelter, food and warmth Tend to burrow Pointed nose, small round ears, and long tail House and field mice Medium sized rodent Can spread diseases such as, Hantavirus Rats: Very intelligent […]

Rodent Profiles

Rats and mice each have distinctive properties that can help you identify exactly you are dealing with, should they ever get into your home.  Below, let’s look at the most common rodent profiles to help you distinguish them from one another, but hopefully you never have to. Contact us today for any rodent control service needs. Norway […]

Rodent Control in the Winter

It is true to say that the best type of pest control is the preventative kind; if we take proactive steps now to prevent pests, we will not experience problems in the future. This proves most true when it comes to rodents. Now that fall is here, and winter is not far behind, rodent activity […]

Gophers: A Burrowing Destroyer

Gophers are one of the most prevalent and destructive pests in the Pacific Northwest. These burrowing rodents can cause damage to lawns, crops, and irrigation systems with their burrowing and feeding. Gophers can live 3-5 years long and can produce 1-2 litters a year averaging 3-6 young per litter. Gophers are territorial and anti-social, and […]

The Fast Track to Lawn Damage: Dealing With Voles

There are few things that can cause terror for lawn owners like looking out the window and seeing a lawn covered in damage left from a vole infestation. Voles feed on plant roots, trunks, stems, tubers, and leaves. These gray-brown rodents are relatively small, usually growing between four and five inches long, but can spread […]

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