Rats and mice each have distinctive properties that can help you identify exactly you are dealing with, should they ever get into your home. Below, let’s look at the most common rodent profiles to help you distinguish them from one another, but hopefully you never have to. Contact us today for any rodent control service needs.
Norway Rat:
Length: 12-18 Inches
Body Features: Thick body, blunt nose
Diet: Meat, Fish, Grains, most anything
Nests: Likes to burrow, lives near water sources
Travel: 90-450 ft from food and water sources
Roof Rat:
Color: Dark Gray
Body Features: Thin body, pointed nose
Diet: Fruits, vegetables, seeds, & grains
Nests: Likes to Climb, lives in trees or rooftops
Travel: 100-300 ft from food and water sources
House Mouse:
Length: 6-7 inches
Body Features: Small head and body
Diet: Grains, cereals, meats, & fish
Nests: Likes to nest in corners of a home
Travel: 10-30 feet from food and water sources
Deer Mouse:
Color: Grayish to reddish brown with a white belly
Body: Round and slender body, with pointed nose. Large black, beady eyes.
Diet: Insects, fungi, & fruit
Nests: Prefers natural cavities of trees but also nests in logs & stumps.
Travel: Less than 500 feet from food and water sources.