Do I Need Oxalis Weed Treatment?
What is Oxalis Weed?
Oxalis is a fast-spreading weed that can quickly overtake a lawn if left to its own devices. Clover-like in appearance, Oxalis spreads in multiple directions and anchors itself to the soil as it grows. While the flowers are pretty, Oxalis is difficult to control and produces capsules of seeds that easily pop when ripe and shoot seeds up to 12 feet away. This makes pulling the plant out difficult to do without spreading more seeds unintentionally.
Does Oxalis Weed Have Small, Yellow Flowers? Identify Oxalis.
Yes, Oxalis weed has little yellow flowers! Oxalis flowers have five petals that bloom from spring to fall. Remember, though, however beautiful, yellow flower weeds in grass are problematic for a number of reasons. As a perennial weed, Oxalis genus reemerges each spring to colonize vacant spots in lawns quickly.
With leaves similar in appearance to clover, many people think they’re looking at clover with yellow flowers when they see Oxalis for the first time. To determine if your yellow clover looking weed is Oxalis or clover, try looking at the leaves first. Both plants have green leaves that grow in groups of three (sometimes four), but clover leaves are rounded, and Oxalis leaves are heart shaped.
Sometimes, Oxalis leaves can also boast a purplish cast. At night, or when stressed, the crease within Oxalis leaves allows them to fold in half. While usually low growing, some Oxalis species can reach as high as 15 inches tall. Deep taproots make hand-weeding Oxalis very difficult. If stems break off when pulled, the plants have no problem regrowing – even if no foliage is left.
What Type of Oxalis Does My Yard Have?
Two types of Oxalis are common to our area: Creeping Wood Sorrel and Yellow Wood Sorrel. However, there are hundreds of known species.
Creeping Woodsorrel Oxalis grows from bulbils and is a sour grass native to North America. Mature Creeping Woodsorrel plants often grow in small clumps, mounded to about 4”-8” high. As with the description above, you’ll find its flowers are made up of 5 petals and 5 stamens, though Creeping Woodsorrel petals remain separated from each other all the way to the base.
Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis stricta) weed tends to grow more upright and is known to reach heights of up to 15” tall. Its seed pods point upward rather than down, like many other species, and stems grow out at sharp angles. You’ll find Yellow Woodsorrel in lawns, gardens, and wide, open spaces such as fields and meadows.
How Can I Prevent Oxalis Weed In My Grass?
Regular fertilization and watering will ensure your lawn grows thick and strong. Thick lawns crowd out potential weeds and prevent seeds from germinating in turf. Allowing your grass to grow high – up to 3 or 4” is ideal as it reduces stress and prevents sunlight from reaching down to weed starts. A herbicide toward the end of winter is a great way to prevent oxalis from even starting.
Try watering your grass more infrequently, but deeply. This will encourage your lawn’s roots to grow deeper and allow it to withstand yellow flower weeds in grass. Preventing Oxalis is an important step, but, if you already have them, Senske understands how to kill Oxalis and prevent them from returning again. If you need the best Oxalis Weed killer, read on.
Get the Best Oxalis Weed Treatment Services
To save your lawn from an Oxalis overgrowth, you may want to utilize Senske’s Lawn Care professionals. We know how to get rid of Oxalis weed for good without harming your grass. The best Oxalis weed killer treatment involves Senske’s multi-faceted approach and over 75 years of experience. With a promise that backs us up, you’ll be free of the Oxalis growing in your yard and enjoying your lawn and garden again in no time!
If your grassy lawn is being affected by Oxalis, contact a Senske Lawn Care. Call (877) 944-4007 or click to request an estimate online for FREE!