One Senske Service’s greatest assets is the experience and leadership of its senior staff. Gene Chafe, our Vice President of Pest Control, is a prime example. With over three decades in pest control, Gene recently was awarded the 2013 Crown Leadership Award by Pest Control Technology.

Gene has been with Senske for the last 20 years, and has been aGene Chafe In Office huge part of our success. Gene’s knowledge of pests, and pest control methods, is relied upon by people throughout our entire organization and has been one of the building pieces used to grow Senske throughout Eastern Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Las Vegas.

Gene’s leadership is not just a benefit to Senske, but also has been utilized by organizations such as, The National Pest Management Association’s Board of Directors, The Wildlife Services Advisory Committee, as well as helping to revive The Pacific Northwest Pest Conference. Gene also has worked with lawmakers to help mold laws crucial to the pest control industry.

At Senske we are very lucky to have members of our senior staff who, not only have the experience, but also the leadership ability to share that experience with our company. For more information on the award head to Pest Control Technology’s leadership awards page.

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