Box elder bugs are considered a nuisance pest because they do not bite nor do they damage your home or landscape. They also do not transmit any type of diseases, so they are not a health hazard in any way. Box elder bugs are merely just a pain to many homeowners because of their quick inhabitance in and around their home. These pesky insects are most commonly found in homes or on the sunny exterior of your home. Box elder bugs are most active in the spring or summer when they feed and reproduce on the seed-bearing box elder tree. In the winter time, box elder bugs can make their way inside of your home as they are seeking shelter. They will also seek shelter under stumps or debris outside where they will hide and wait until next spring when warmer temperatures rise and they can resurface.
The most common way to get rid of box elder bugs are by removing the source of the problem; the box elder tree. Tree removal, however, can be a very dangerous undertaking so it is important to hire a professional tree removal expert when considering tree removal. You can also hire a professional to use pest control products on both the tree and your home. If you are worried about box elder bugs making their way inside of your home, try using a caulking to seal up any cracks that the bugs could squeeze their way into.
If you would like more information about box elder bug control, please call 1-800-533-6330.