Stinging Insect Control
Stinging insects, such as wasps and yellow jackets, have been known to frighten almost anybody that encounters them. Stinging insects are quick to ruin any outdoor activity, especially when there are people around who are allergic to their stings.
Although our initial reaction when confronted with these pests is to do whatever it takes to get rid of them, some stinging insects are actually more beneficial than dangerous. Bees, for instance, help to pollinate plants while wasps will feed on other insects that can be dangerous to lawns. Also, although they are have reputation for stinging people, most social stinging insects such as bees and yellow jackets actually only sting in defense.
In our service areas, Senske deals primarily with:
- Yellow Jacket Control: These are often confused with paper wasps. Yellow Jackets are very similar to paper wasps, however they make aerial or underground nests. Yellow Jackets are slightly larger than the common honeybee. They have black and yellow markings along their thorax and abdomen.
- Wasp Control: Paper wasps are different from bees in both appearance and habits. Paper wasps are not fuzzy, and unlike bees, do not make honey. They are much more brightly colored and slimmer than bees. Paper wasps will sting multiple times if threatened, while a bee will only sting once. Paper wasps do not produce honey, but instead scavenge or hunt for food. They build their umbrella-shaped nests in the ground or above.
- Hornet Control: Hornets share a similar appearance to paper wasps, but they are reddish brown, or black and white. Hornets are what many people refer to as large paper wasps. Typically, a hornet is actually a bald-faced hornet. Hornets are a subset of paper wasps that are usually rounder, thicker, and more aggressive than the common paper wasp. Hornet nests are usually made in an area that is protected and out of reach. These nests are round, made of paper, and contain hundreds of hornets.
- Bee Control: Bees are small and fuzzy. They have two pairs of wings and are much rounder than paper wasps. They can be found looking for nectar to make honey in their hives. Bees are typically more mellow than paper wasps and keep to themselves, but will sting if they are threatened. Because bees are important to the natural environment, bees are often carefully relocated rather than exterminated.
Stinging insects are most active commonly in the late summer and early fall, when colonies have had the summer to grow. Also, stinging insects are known to be the most active during the day and retreating to their nests during the evening. Pest control technicians prefer to trap yellow jackets and other stinging insects in the spring because only the queen will survive the winter. Catching a queen when the weather starts to warm up is the best way to protect against stinging insect problems later.
Stinging insects normally interact with humans while they are scavenging for food. It’s important when encountering a stinging insect to not flail your arms at the stinging insect because it can startle them into stinging. Also, some stinging insects, including hornets, will release a pheromone that calls other hornets in the area in to attack.
Wasp and bee removal can be tricky. Bees are essential to our ecosystem, but when a bee’s nest is found near your house or business, it can disrupt your family and your customers. Bees and wasps are especially worrisome if you have children or pets. Children and animals are more apt to discover a nest accidentally while playing. Because they weigh less than adults, they are greatly affected by bee and wasp stings. If you find a wasp or bee nest inside or near your home or business, contact a pest control company immediately.
Don’t allow stinging insects to ruin your next family get together. Instead contact our pest control experts at (877) 944-4007 or request an estimate online for FREE.