lawn weed control

Lawn Weed Control Services

Mower weeds

One of the main goals of lawn weed control services is to protect against weed infiltrations. Three of the most common lawn weeds are: crabgrass, dandelions, and white clover. These weeds steal resources and nutrients meant for your lawn and can expand rapidly. One dandelion weed can produce up to 15,000 seeds, so it is easy to see how weeds can spread and take over a lawn in no time.

The biggest defense against weed infiltration is to grow your lawn as healthy and thick as possible. By growing your lawn thick and dense, it chokes out the room that weeds need to grow and take root. As part of keeping your yard healthy, it is important to make sure you fertilize regularly as well as maintain good amounts of water in the soil. Dried out soil can make it easier for weeds to take root with most yards needing at least an inch of water per week to maintain healthy levels. Lastly by mowing high, you can help create a canopy that keeps sunlight from reaching the seedling weeds.

If, despite your best efforts at keeping your lawn healthy, you still start to see the small stems of weeds creeping up through your yard, it is best to take action as soon as possible. Hand weeding lawn weeds when they are still young and haven’t started seeding can be a very efficient way to stop the spread of lawn weeds. It is important to pull these weeds before they start to seed or develop deep roots.

Common weeds include:

  • crabgrass
  • spurge
  • dandelions
  • morning glory
  • thistle
  • bentgrass
  • white clover
  • henbit
  • chickweed
  • plantain

In our area you may find common weeds, such as dandelions, spurge, morning glory, crabgrass and thistle. Thistle can be extremely painful to step on and can be a deterrent to playing in your yard. Concentrating on keeping away dandelions, morning glory, crabgrass, bentgrass and thistle can leave you without any time to actually enjoy your weed-free lawn. Senske has trained lawn service technicians in weed prevention and control. Allow us to do your dirty work, while you enjoy the benefits!

Dandelion plants are incredibly hard to get rid of; their roots can be up to six feet long! What’s more, when broken, each individual taproot can grow up to five new shoots. So ‘pulling weeds’ will not effectively eliminate dandelions. Dandelions flower during the spring and fall. Their flowers are at first bright yellow, before they turn into a ball of seeds. Dandelions are pesky weeds because of how quickly they spread, due to their lightweight seeds that travel in the wind.

Morning Glory
Morning glory is a vine growing plant that can have blooms of various colors. As beautiful as these vines look, they are extremely difficult to remove because of their deep root system. Trying to eliminate them by pulling them out of the soil will not work. The roots will still continue to grow underneath the soil and sprout up again and again. Morning glory prefers a temperate and moisturized habitat, which is why they flourish in western climate. This plant is acknowledged as an invasive weed because of its deep root system, which out-competes and smothers other plants.

Crabgrass, also known as finger grass, is an extremely common weed. There are two main types in North America: hairy crabgrass and smooth crabgrass. Crabgrass grows well in warm regions where the soil lacks nutrients and proper water drainage. Because crabgrass grows better in thinning or shortly-cut grass, lawn maintenance methods can be taken to prevent crabgrass, such as mowing your lawn higher than 2.5 inches.

Bentgrass looks similar to lawn grass and is used as the primary grass on golf courses and some yards. It is a troublesome weed to eliminate if it invades your yard because it is easily disguised. It can be hard to identify and hard to eliminate because it looks like grass. It can grow without notice and takeover your yard slowly and effectively. It is extremely invasive. If you find bentgrass in your yard, call a professional weed-control and lawn service company to remove it immediately.

Thistle is easily identifiable by its prickles. It’s not a fun weed to have in your yard, especially if you have children playing barefoot in the lawn. Although thistles don’t pose a life-threatening threat, their sting can be extremely painful. Thistle typically appears in late summer.

Why Senske for Lawn Weed Control Services?

The use of chemicals, along with fertilizer and standard lawn care, can also help to prevent weeds from appearing or spreading. Pre-emergence, post-emergence or a weed and feed solution can all be helpful.

Not sure what option of weed control is going to best serve your needs? Contact us today at (877) 944-4007 or click for a FREE estimate and get rid of weeds now.

Additional lawn care services:

Lawn overseeding services

Liquid lawn aeration services

We Offer Lawn Weed Control Services in the following locations:

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