lawn fertilization

Lawn Fertilization Services

Lawn Fertilization services are an essential part of lawn care maintenance. Most soils don’t have all the required nutrients needed for lawns to flourish. Yards require fertilization during different seasons of the year. Not all lawns are the same; different grasses require different types and times of fertilization. All soils are different, depending upon geographic location and topography. Although there are basic fertilizers, many types of soil and grass require additional minerals. When you call our lawn technicians to fertilize your lawn, they will make sure your lawn receives the type of nutrients it needs at the time it needs it. Lawns require more nutrients than just carbon dioxide to flourish. Most soil does not provide the essential nutrients required for the optimum growth of grasses and shrubs. Even if your soil is initially enriched with nutrients, grass and shrubs consistently take those nutrients, which, in turn, deplete the soil. Soil constantly needs to be given additional nutrients, known as fertilizer.

Fertilizing a yard is a crucial part of lawn care maintenance. Without the required nutrients, the quality of the grass will be compromised. Additional nutritious elements help to build healthier, fuller and more aesthetically pleasing looking grass. Another benefit of fertilizer is the reduction of weeds. Weeds grow easier in yards that have splotchy grass than yards that are filled with strong vibrant grass.

Have you ever wondered what plants eat? Just like humans and animals, plants have to eat to for energy as well as consume vitamins and minerals to grow strong and healthy. Although the primary source of food for plants comes from carbon dioxide found in the air, they also need secondary nutrients provided by lawn fertilization.

The health of trees and grass have become even more important to our environment lately because they take the carbon dioxide out of the air and in turn give off the oxygen that we need.

senske lawn photosynthesis

Although plants need CO2 to survive, they cannot live on it alone. They also need water for photosynthesis (the process of turning carbon dioxide into oxygen), and other nutrients and minerals. Plants use these vitamins and minerals, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to create proteins and sugars that they use for energy.

Plants also consume secondary nutrients such as sulfur, calcium and magnesium to stay healthy. These secondary nutrients are also added with other chemical elements in very small amounts. Other chemicals include iron, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and zinc. Combined, these elements are referred to as micronutrients.

Plants have two ways of gaining their nutrients to stay healthy. Plants consume through their leaves, which is called photosynthesis, and through their roots, which is called transport. Fertilizers used by lawn care professionals are absorbed through the root systems of grass plants, while micronutrients are absorbed through roots and leaves.

When grass and other plants are not growing as green and healthy as desired, having a lawn care professional apply a fertilizer treatment would be the best option. By replacing the nutrients and elements that plants need through fertilizer, plants will have all the nourishment they require to grow to their full potential.

At Senske Lawn and Tree Care, our trained professionals know the proper nutrients and minerals that plants need, as well as how to apply these for maximum results. Contact us today at (877) 944-4007 or receive a FREE estimate for lawn fertilization services.

Lawn Fertilization Services | Your Lawn Needs To Eat Too

kids laying on green grassMuch like animals and humans, plants also require specific nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to grow healthy. These nutrients are normally provided naturally through photosynthesis (converting light energy into chemical energy), but there are times when a lawn will need a little extra help to keep it green and healthy. Lawn care professionals use fertilizer as a supplement to make sure the grass has all the nutrients and minerals it needs to grow green.

Grass is made up of three major elements: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, also called macronutrients. These nutrients are represented on the bags of fertilizer you might pick up at a local lawn and garden store. The ratio of these elements in grass are approximately 3 parts nitrogen, 1 part phosphorous, and 2 parts potassium. As you mow the lawn, you are removing these elements, so it is critical to replace these nutrients in order to maintain a healthy lawn.

Fertilizer is made up of the three major elements as previously referenced. They are represented as a percentage of the contents by weight for each macronutrients found on the packaging. These numbers usually appear as 21-7-14, 15-5-10 or 12-4-8 somewhere on the outside of the bag. A good way to think of these numbers is if you have a 100 pound bag of 12-4-8 fertilizer, the break down would be 12 pounds of nitrogen, 4 pounds of phosphorous, and 8 pounds of potassium. This would give you a total of 24 pounds of nutrients. You may wonder what is the other 76 pounds in a 100 pound bag? The rest of the bag is filled with other nutrients like sulfur, iron, and calcium, which are needed elements for the grass.

Plants also need other elements to survive but in smaller amounts. These secondary nutrients, like sulfur, calcium and magnesium, are also nutrients that animals consume to maintain a healthy body. In addition, there are other chemical elements off the periodic chart plants need in small amounts: iron, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and zinc. These elements are called micronutrients, and are also listed on the label of high quality fertilizers.

Lime Treatment

Grass requires nutrient-rich soil to grow, but it also requires soil that has a balanced pH level. Each species of grass is different, but most grass types thrive in soil that has a pH balance between 6 and 7; anything above 7 is too alkaline and below 6 is too acidic. You might be wondering why you’ve fertilized your yard, and still your lawn looks unhealthy. This might be an indication that your soil is not balanced. We offer lime applications for yards that have too much alkalinity.​

Understanding the chemical makeup of fertilizer and how it affects your lawn is an important step in making sure the grass is getting the nourishment that they need. When you use Senske’s lawn fertilization service, we will provide scheduled applications of fertilizers, so your yard will maintain a constant balance of nutrients. Generally, fertilizers provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. However, all soils are unique in nutrients that they contain and nutrients that they lack. What one yard requires in fertilizer components, another yard will not. Senske provides fertilizers that match the needs of your soil, depending upon the local topography.

The professionals at Senske Lawn and Tree Care have the years of experience necessary to keep your lawn looking green and healthy. Contact us today at (877) 944-4007 or click to receive a FREE estimate for your lawn.

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We Offer Lawn Fertilization Services in the following locations:

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