deep root lawn watering

Deep Root Watering Services

Our plants have endured one of the most stressful years, specifically in the Western US where many areas have dealt with severe drought conditions. Our plants need help recovering! You can support your trees and shrubs’ vigor, growth, health, and drought recovery with
deep root watering. The treatment enhances plants’ ability to tolerate environmental stress like drought, dry winds, and extremely cold winters by increasing water absorption capacity and retention.

For best results, deep root watering services should be done at least once a year around February or November.

What is Deep Root Watering?

deep root watering

Senske’s deep root watering treatment uses a long probe that reaches 6” – 8” underground to pump gallons of water to increase your plant’s ability to maximize its water and fertilizer uptake. Infused with the water is a natural wetting agent derived from the yucca plant which is known for its beautiful foliage and resistance to serious drought. The yucca acts as a conditioner and allows treated trees and plants to increase their absorbing capacity and help fight off cold dry winds or recover from drought periods.

The Benefits of Deep Root Watering Services

  • Helps plants to retain more water over time, which means you save money on your water bill throughout warmer months.
  • Plants absorb water better through the soil versus a surface drench.
  • Prevents drought stress, which can have immediate effects or take years to reveal.
  • Increases water uptake into the trees & shrubs to enhance vigor, growth and to tolerate environmental stress.
  • Injecting water into the root system can help fight off the cold, dry winds that come with winter.

Get a Free Estimate

Senske Services offers precise, accurate estimates for all services, as well as in-depth consultations to let you know how we can serve you best. For more information or to sign up for a Deep Root Watering Service, call (877) 944-4007 today or click for a free estimate.

Additional lawn care services:

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